Atlantis Archangels Workshop

Atlantis Archangels Workshop

Mar 6, 2024 

I have an upcoming workshop on April 11th with the Atlantis Archangels and I have been spending time with them. I also work with my Galactic team editor Jennifer Marie Sola-Artates and artist Dr. Chrisselie Guzic. I hope to publish this book on Dec 2024. I am giving myself a lot of time to experience them fully especially with this coming workshop.

I went to the etheric retreat of Archangel Metatron last night. It is above the temple of Luxor, Egypt. I don’t remember about my dream, all I felt was like plasma of angels around me and colors of aurora borealis while I was praying with my beloved partner Milan. We pray before we sleep, it is truly a sacred ritual when we do this together. It bonds us to the core of our souls. I woke up with such enthusiasm to create a sacred time and connection with the angels. But first I cleaned the house and surroundings. I love spending time under the pyramid with the faeries, gnomes, crystals and oracle cards. I gathered all the sigils of the 12 Atlantis Archangels that I am going to teach and plan to print them today. They tell me the names of the participants and that I will include them in the upcoming book. I personally know some of these souls and gladly asked them if they are interested to join. It is so fascinating when you can connect fully with their messages. I love the angels realm. 

Milan woke up and he drew three cards from the archangel’s deck of Diana Cooper and three cards from the Ascension cards. Today the theme is Archangel Michael and Lord El Morya with the Blue Ray of Light, he is the First Ray that connects us to the Divine will of God. The dolphins came as well with mother Mary and the Aquamarine light that helps us with the ocean’s vibrations. The dolphins sonics raise the frequencies of the ocean, that helps our body to raise our emotional frequencies. The 7 Chohans of the 7 Rays wanted to be included in the upcoming book of the angels, I was teaching this on the year 2022. 

Last night, we were listening to one of the rants of an entrepreneur who was closing her business. She was using blame, anger and putting her attention to the homeless that surrounds her business. I prayed for her soul. I realized that people have no sense of their creations. The angels told me that she mirrors how people are clueless in creation. It is about expansion and blessings. Gratitude and compassion, that we are blessed by these homeless around us because they are masters in disguise. They came here to experience sufferings and their worth cannot be bought by money. We are learning humility and compassion. Our highest version is to share our wealth, wisdom and love not to judge them for their poverty. It is such a paradoxical world we live in. We can see everything with the eyes of love and gratefulness but sometimes we choose to see separation and judgements.

The Lapis Lazuli reminds us of Archangel Michael and my experience with this crystal is about my past lives in Egypt. There was a time in LA when I spent some time with my sister Carmen who was diagnosed with Cancer of the breast. We slept together and I was dreaming intensely of my past lives in Egypt while Lapis Lazuli was under my pillow. After few weeks, my sister experienced healing after I massaged her. She knew that she was touched by this healing light that passed through my hands. We were both happy and those memories together with her was precious in my memory bank.

We went to our crystal shop Crystal Vibes and received a phone call from one of my fave people. I realized I needed to write something about the spirit and how it leads us to write our book. While we were talking Theo’s picture popped up and knew then that he is communicating to me. She then told me that her daughter is having a baby and they were naming him Theo. This is so cool and how we are all brought together by the spirit. I can’t wait to see this boy! 

Interesting enough my day turned out to be miraculous. I spent some time shopping to ground myself. I found a book about the founder of Magnolia magazine Joanna Gaines and Chip. I found a small round table with comfortable chairs inside the shop. I started reading and found out it was her cookbook. I found it sweet and how she relates her book to her life journeys with her family. I received a phone call from a client and was booking for Akashic Records session. After the call, I saw this huge golden brass wing and had reminded me of the angels. There was a sales lady beside me during the phone conversation and we both looked at each other and I said, “I found a new office ” I took the huge wings in my cart with the two crystal chimes that I bought. It symbolizes to me the day filled with angels. It was magical. 

In the evening, Milan had brought some meat from his fave butcher. I was pescetarian for 10 years and became a meat eater again when I met Milan. I cooked the spaghetti that I read from the book earlier that morning. Milan loved it. As we finished our meal, I noticed my sister from the Philippines were calling me. I started talking to her on messenger and realized that I was thinking about her this morning. She said, I am psychic and can feel things in our family when there is something wrong. I did not know that there was something wrong happening I just know that I tapped into her family. True enough there was something happening to them. I find it fascinating how psychic energy works. And how the angels let me know when to send protection as Archangel Michael was the angel of the day. 

There are a lot of sufferings that are happening around us and others. When I see others in pain, I send compassion and healing light right away to help them transcend this pain body.  We are so blessed to experience divine intervention with our sufferings. We can see darkness into light when we develop the habit of alchemy. We can transmute anything with the power of the Violet Flame. Ask Saint Germain and the Violet Flame to help you transform with the sacred fire in your heart, body, mind and soul. We can develop our faith and trust that everything happens for a reason. I feel that when we are going through this darkness, we are participating in the collective unconscious. When we arise and enter this initiation we will die to the ego and rise, entering a new template of resurrection. This is the rebirth of our consciousness into our highest version of our self. As Lady Gaia rises to the occasion preparing us to the Golden Atlantis rising, we become wiser. We receive the activations of these Masters of Light that continually shower us with their divine gifts. By remaining open to receive these sacred gifts, we recalibrate these sleeping DNA in our molecular structure. Our auric field becomes radiant full of threads of this golden light. We are becoming translucent like our light body. We will function from this spark of light, our reality will be lighter, it will flow like the water in the vast ocean of love. Let us be diligent, discipline and devoted to this sacred service. Angels Blessings! Teza

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